Service Status app

With our Service Status app we built management of service information right in to Service Cloud. Utilising Custom Business Objects to allow full management from within the Agent Console/BUI you can quickly alert users of known service issues and reassure them when all is functioning normally and has been resolved.

CoreStudio Service Status App CoreStudio Service Status App

Site wide banners

Banners can be embedded across all pages (or some) in Customer Portal alert users of any open issues directing them to configurable list of open and historical issues. The updated information in real time at the top of your support site will keep your users informed and satisfied.

Incident linking (new in V1.1)

Agents can link incidents to a status issues. Directing customers to the status page for that issue. Bulk update and resolve related incidents from the status issue, saving wasted time and making outages more manageable.

CoreStudio Service Status App

Thanks to Service Status App you will avoid unnecessary and costly incidents by letting your users know their issue is being dealt with.

Contact us today to install and style your service status app.

CoreStudio Service Status App

Roadmap (Current: V1.0)

Version 1.01

Version 1.1 (Current)

Version 1.2